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Ways to enter Jannah
Tuesday 4 December 2012 | 00:00 | 0 comments
Assalammualaikum to all readers.
Cuti sekolah macam mana? Mesti best bukan. Hari ini sudah 3-haribulan! Lagi 28 hari cuti sekolah.
Tak pergi mana-mana pun, rumah banjir. Huhu,,
Alhamdullilah semua kerja sekolah yang cikgu bagi dah siap. Memang penat juga buat homework tambah-tambah folio Pendidikan Islam. We are required to do a folio about personages of Islam. Yeah! Tajuk dari form 1 sampai form 3, memang banyak. Okay, tak usah merepek panjang-panjang. Entri hari ini
Ways to Enter Jannah. Izzati tidaklah sebaik mana, but kita saling memperingati right?

1. First of all, we must seek knowledge. Have you ever heard before, 'knowledge is power'? Knowledge is so vital in our life. It doesn't mean that we need to seek worldly knowledge only. It is important to have knowledge because we are nothing without it.

2. Second, ask for forgiveness from Allah (taubah). We never realised that we have done wrong before weither the offense with Allah, family or with our friends. So, ask forgiveness when they are still alive.

3. Third, give salaam. It is sunnah to give salaam to the people that we meet. It doesn't matter weither they are old or young.

4. Fourth, love and have mercy on animals. Don't abuse them. They are also Allah creators, same like us. Treat them nicely.

That's all that I can share with you. We all are imperfect as the saying goes 'no rose is without a thorn'. Assalammualaikum :)

                      Just open your heart and let His LOVE flow through 

                                  Lovely pictures- Owh So Muslim 
